BOARD ON BOARD FENCE - This style fence is also known as a good neighbor fence. It is one of the most popular fences out there and it’s perfect for people who need privacy and beauty on both sides of their fence as it matches on both sides.
STANDARD NAIL ON FENCE - This style fence is one of the most economical wooden fences available. It is know for its simplicity and strength. This fence can either be one sided or have alternating panels. This redwood fence is strong and long lasting. One side has smooth fence boards, and the other side shoes the rails .
HORIZONTAL FENCE - Horizontal fences are one of the most popular new styles. They are generally installed with 1x6 or 1x4 redwood boards. The panels add a beautiful range of aesthetic and personality to backyards and front yards.
BOARD ON BOARD WITH LATTICE - Adding lattice to your good neighbor fence or any style fence is a great way to add additional privacy. We offer standard lattice, triple lattice, or square lattice which is pictured above.
BOARD ON BOARD WITH PIANO KEYS - Piano Key lattice is a great way to add character to your fence and stand out from your neighbors. The Piano key look is constructed using 2”x2” redwood toppers while incorporating small spaces in between each piece.
BOARD ON BOARD WITH ARCHED PIANO KEYS - This custom-style fence uses 2"x2" piano key lattice with an arched skirt for an elegant finished look.
DOG EARED FENCE - Who let the dogs out? Not this fence! The term "dog-ear" applies to the shape of the top of the boards. Instead of a flat top, the boards have the corners sawed off, providing a "dog-ear" shape.
LOUVERED FENCE - This style fence is a great choice if you want privacy and a sophisticated modern design. The louvered fence is slanted so that they offer a good deal of privacy, while also allowing air to pass through.
ALTERNATING BOARDS (SHADOW BOX) - This style fence is a standard nail on fence with each board alternating sides. This is a great fence option if your fence is in a windy area.
LATTICE FENCE - This style fence uses a framework of wood that intersects at 90-degree angles to form a decorative pattern. A lattice fence is a really great decorative and functional option for most fencing needs. It can serve not only as your fence structure that protects a space, but it is also a great medium for climbing plants like vines to grow on.
HOG WIRE FENCE - Hog wire fencing is an architecturally pleasing fence style popular in urban designs. The heavy gauge wire is very durable and has an open, clean, geometric appearance. We can build it in a frame-like style for a more finished appearance.
DEER FENCE (WIRE MESH) - This is one of the most versatile mesh fencing products. It is very useful for delineate property lines, protecting a garden, or keeping livestock safe with this all-purpose wire fence. It is flexible and easy to manipulate, but sturdy enough to withstand harsh conditions and lasts for years. Our fully-framed deer fence uses 4 x 4 inch pressure-treated posts with or with out a kick plate. This nearly invisible fence is a perfect solution to protecting your garden and preserving your view.
2x2 RAIL FENCE - This style of fence is great if your looking for something to show off your front yard but also keep it secure.
PICKET FENCE - This style of fence is often used decoratively for domestic boundaries, distinguished by their evenly-spaced vertical boards, the pickets are attached to horizontal rails.
GRAPESTAKE FENCE - This fence is similar to your standard nail on fence, but use smaller 2.5" wide that come with a natural rough finish. Grapestake boards are typically made out of cedar.
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